Sunday, September 1, 2013

You said you were a Christian, you are nothing but a joke

If you have ever heard me say "I'm a Christian" consider yourself one of the rare few. While it may be true, I do not subscribe to the thought or need to say those three words out loud. In our society, I find that those words are used too loosely. They are often used to prove a point, defend a position or create fear or feelings of superiority. What you may have heard me say is "I'm a Methodist". I sometimes say those words to express my flavor of Christianity. Even so, I don't use it as a means to prove that I am anything but a sinner. Oh have you heard? Christians sin too!
You said you were a Christian, you are nothing but a joke
This week I received a barrage of text messages from my ex-husband aimed to tear me down because I had the gall to file for child support. There was one in particular that struck me as quite funny. I was accused of saying I was a Christian. It took me a day or so to process this. Like I said, I don't say this out loud very often. It was an accusation that I use my Christianity as a cover. At first my instinct was to text back some snarky remark, but it dawned on me that these terrible text messages were being sent to instigate a fight and I wasn't going to fight. After not responding to over 15 or so text messages, I got the final text meant to really "get me".

I laughed out loud at this comment. I am not a loser and I am not a *****.  The only thing anyone can find out about what kind of person I really am is that I truly love and care for people. No foolin'! Even this person who is trying to tear me down. I love him too. No, not the kind of romantic love that is shared between a husband and a wife. A kind of love that extends to the father of your child. A kind of love shared between family. That kind of love that sometimes makes you dislike someone so much, at the same time loving them. I don't care that we aren't married anymore. He will always be part of my family.

Now let's put this into perspective . . .

  • Yes, I'm a Christian (you heard me say it) but I prefer for it to show in my actions instead of my words.
  • Yes, I have done some terrible things in the past. Big sins. The kind of things that you don't want yo' mamma to know about. (Thank God for Grace)
  • Yes, sometimes I'm a joke. (Aren't we all?)
  • Yes, on some days I am a loser, but on most days, I am a WINNER!
  • I live my life everyday trying to improve myself and the lives of those around me.
So, as an open announcement to my ex-husband. Keep sending those ugly texts. They make me laugh. They make me appreciate that I have moved on. They make me realize now more than ever that I can be a Christian, even though I sin every day. Your threats don't scare me.

And to the rest of you who might be reading this, sorry for blog-vomiting all over you. :) 


  1. Robin, everyone who knows you sees by your actions that you truly ARE a Christian!! You are one of the most loving, caring people I have ever known and I'm proud to call you friend. Yes, we Christians sin and always will, but we pick ourselves up and try again and God continues to love us no matter what. That's what grace is all about!!

    Sorry your ex is giving you grief. (Believe me, I've heard that story plenty in my family.) It has to be his own unhappiness and insecurity that causes him to do that. Hang in there and keep on being who you are!!

    Love you,

    1. Thanks Carolyn. You can't begin to know how much you mean to me. Your kindness has taught me so much about love and grace. I cherish your friendship so much. Love ya!
